Dirndl, lederhosen, colorful dresses, traditional costume and pretzels -
There's nothing like a visit to a folk festival in summer! And so we in Straubing were also eagerly awaiting our Gäubodenfest. For me personally one of the highlights of the year.
My boyfriend is of course wearing leather pants and a T-shirt (soooo nice...), I'm wearing my most beautiful dirndl Iza with a matching dirndl blouse. But while the Lord of Creation is ready to go out after a few minutes, us girls like it to take a little longer... Hair open or braided? Retro or classic dirndl? Which lipstick suits you? Which dirndl blouse? You know what it's like... Then a traditional bag: lipstick, wallet and cell phone in it. It didn't take that long, even though my friend looks at the clock reproachfully. He is hungry - and longs for a snack and pretzels. And of course a nice cool beer mug.
It's 30 kilometers to Straubing. We set off in a good mood and soon immerse ourselves in the folk festival atmosphere: beautiful colorful dresses, music, men with lederhosen, pretzel sellers, snack stands and fantastic dirndls - also from my heart's blood :-)
Later we sit comfortably on the beer bench with friends and have a blast. After the snack and with the snack gusset comfortably loosened, the men are in a good mood and everyone looks happily at their mug of cold beer. We watch people, sing along, and I'm happy to see lots of colorful dresses and traditional costumes. I think traditional, colorful dresses convey a very special atmosphere - far away from the gray everyday life.
Suddenly my friend puts down his beer mug, falls to his knees in front of me and looks deep into my eyes. Yes, my? He won't??
My boyfriend is of course wearing leather pants and a T-shirt (soooo nice...), I'm wearing my most beautiful dirndl Iza with a matching dirndl blouse. But while the Lord of Creation is ready to go out after a few minutes, us girls like it to take a little longer... Hair open or braided? Retro or classic dirndl? Which lipstick suits you? Which dirndl blouse? You know what it's like... Then a traditional bag: lipstick, wallet and cell phone in it. It didn't take that long, even though my friend looks at the clock reproachfully. He is hungry - and longs for a snack and pretzels. And of course a nice cool beer mug.
It's 30 kilometers to Straubing. We set off in a good mood and soon immerse ourselves in the folk festival atmosphere: beautiful colorful dresses, music, men with lederhosen, pretzel sellers, snack stands and fantastic dirndls - also from my heart's blood :-)
Later we sit comfortably on the beer bench with friends and have a blast. After the snack and with the snack gusset comfortably loosened, the men are in a good mood and everyone looks happily at their mug of cold beer. We watch people, sing along, and I'm happy to see lots of colorful dresses and traditional costumes. I think traditional, colorful dresses convey a very special atmosphere - far away from the gray everyday life.
Suddenly my friend puts down his beer mug, falls to his knees in front of me and looks deep into my eyes. Yes, my? He won't??
But still: the question of all questions comes, the one I've been waiting for all evening:
“Can you hear the hoamfohn?”
I beam at him and breathe a soft “yes.” A kiss full of flags reaches my mouth. Isn't that okay?
We still have a heavenly, greasy folk festival evening - with roasted almonds, huge pretzels and a stein of Radler. We belt out Oktoberfest hits until we're hoarse. We girls disappear regularly: touch up our lipstick, adjust our dirndl and dirndl blouse and chat about everything that isn't intended for the ears of our better halves.
Have you been to a folk festival this season? Did you buy a new dirndl or dirndl blouse for this? Or even leather pants? Does your lipstick have to match your outfit? And can your Mo lie next to you in bed - despite the beer flag? :D
Tell us your most beautiful folk festival story :-)
We still have a heavenly, greasy folk festival evening - with roasted almonds, huge pretzels and a stein of Radler. We belt out Oktoberfest hits until we're hoarse. We girls disappear regularly: touch up our lipstick, adjust our dirndl and dirndl blouse and chat about everything that isn't intended for the ears of our better halves.
Have you been to a folk festival this season? Did you buy a new dirndl or dirndl blouse for this? Or even leather pants? Does your lipstick have to match your outfit? And can your Mo lie next to you in bed - despite the beer flag? :D
Tell us your most beautiful folk festival story :-)

- To find out what happens next and what we'll do on Sunday afternoon, read my blog post :)
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